This directory is here to help neighbors learn about diversity in Mt. Airy and amplify work that folks are doing right now.

It’s an inexhaustive list put together by your neighbors at the Mt. Airy Neighborhood Diversity Initiative (MANDI). Want to add to the list, or learn more about MANDI? Get in touch below.

Feel inspired and ready to take action? The neighborhood orgs section is full of places to start!

<aside> 💡 Did you know?

<aside> ❤️ Neighborhood organizations doing diversity work

West Mt. Airy Neighbors (WMAN) (MANDI is one of WMAN’s committees)

East Mt. Airy Neighbors (EMAN) (MANDI is also an EMAN committee)

Mt. Airy CDC Housing Counseling

Germantown Jewish Center

Unitarian Universalists of Mt. Airy Social Justice Committee


<aside> 📰 Learn about diversity and Mt. Airy

Mt. Airy: A Legacy of Intentional Integration (Philadelphia Fed)

Mapping Our Community: Residential Segregation in Mt. Airy and in Philadelphia (Philadelphia Fed)

Nuanced View of Mt. Airy's Racial History (Chestnut Hill Local)

Mt. Airy Church Carries on Long History of Diversity, Inclusion (Times Herald)

Some Philadelphia Neighborhoods Are Walking a Line Between Boom and Bust (Next City)

What's Behind the Racial Homeownership Gap in Philadelphia? (Philadelphia Fed)


<aside> 📢 Learn about strategies we can take

Rent control Does Philly Need Rent Control? (Philadelphia Citizen)

Homebuyer assistance Advancing Homeownership Opportunity: An Update on Recent Innovations (Penn)

Support for home repairs 6 Programs That Can Help You Repair Your Home for Free or at a Low Cost (Inquirer)

Inclusionary zoning & affordable housing development Inclusionary Zoning Has Failed to Deliver on Affordable Housing Promise (Inquirer)


<aside> 👥 Neighborhood Facebook groups

Go Mt. Airy (Mt. Airy CDC)

Mt. Airy/Cedarbrook Community


About the Mt. Airy Neighborhood Diversity Initiative

<aside> 📔 Read “What We Love and What Would Cause Us to Leave,” MANDI’s report on listening sessions with Black residents of Mt. Airy.


MANDI’s Core Principles